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Monday, July 9, 2018 · Unsubscribe

Truck Dumps - 10 Safe Practices

Consider these safe work practices when dumping trucks:

1. Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) based on the hazards. This may include wearing safety glasses, a particulate-filtering face-piece respirator (dust mask), work gloves, hearing protection, and high-visibility or reflective clothing.

2. Enforce the company's "No Smoking" policy near grain receiving areas. Lit cigarettes may ignite combustible dust.

3. Be Cautious when crossing in front of or between trucks. Keep adequate clearance and communicate with the driver (verbal or visual). Follow your company's clearance distance requirements.

4. Ensure that the driver sets the truck's brakes once the trailer is positioned properly over the receiving pit. This will help prevent inadvertent movement during unloading.

5. Follow your company's policy regarding drivers. The policy may require them to exit the truck and stand in a designated area or stay in their truck during the unloading process.

6. Inspect the hopper gate prior to use. Look for sharp edges or burrs that may cause cuts or lacerations.

7. Maintain proper body mechanics when opening the hopper gate. Grasp the handle firmly and operate it slowly. Keep the feet shoulder width apart, back straight, and bend at the knees. Proper body mechanics may prevent back and shoulder injuries.

8. When directing the movement of the truck, stay in a designated area that is out of the path of the moving truck. Stand in an area visible to the driver.

9. Avoid walking on surfaces covered with grain. These areas will be slippery and may cause slips and falls.

10. Remember; if you cannot see the driver in the mirror, he or she cannot see you. Maintain communication with the driver at all times.


Source: Joe Mlynek is president of Progressive Safety Services LLC, Gates Mills, OH:, and content creation expert for Safety Made Simple Inc., Olathe, KS;

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